How Village Works
Imagine healthcare as a pie where 75% is routine care and 25% is costly catastrophic events that require ER visits, hospital stays, etc. Healthcare costs have sky-rocketed because we have become dependent on insurance companies to cover the entire pie. We want to change that.
The Current System
Current medical policies are designed to cover 100% of the pie, both routine care and catastrophic events. When insurance is used for routine care, more claims are filed and the cost goes up.

The Village Model
Village provides high-quality routine care via a low monthly subscription. Health insurance is reserved for rare events — driving down premiums and saving you money.

A Better Way to Wellness
At Village, we’re a people first, profit second company. Our mission is to serve as a catalyst for healthier and more productive lives for our members. We will work with each unique case to find the payment and billing arrangement that works best for your situation.
We believe it is possible to deliver exceptional care at a reasonable and fair cost.